Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

Striking the new civil tone in Washington, Sarah Palin reportedly said while making this hand and mouth gesture, "I'll take all three dicks AT THE SAME TIME!"  And that is precisely why our country is heading in the right direction.  One with a very happy ending.

Where's the Beef? At?


Apparently not at Taco Bell.  Reports yesterday allege Taco Bell beef is only about 36% beef.  Do we really care what it is?  Especially after a heavy night of drinking?  It's delicious!  And that's all people care about. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Things that Look Like Vaginas

This is a picture of someone's vocal folds.  Get your mind out of the gutter sickos!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Captain Awesome......AWESOME!!!

EUGENE, Ore. -- An Oregon man's new name is getting a lot of attention. An unemployed cabinet maker legally changed his name to Captain Awesome.

Awesome was born as Doug Smith Junior. He said he wanted a name a little more unique.

A judge approved Captain Awesome's new name. Mr. Awesome even works as an ordained minister on the side.

It does not really matter how you spell his new name. His official signature are two arrows pointing to a smiley face from the left and the right.